Le 14 Juillet 1917. La fête des drapeaux
Lajityyppi: Short film / Documentary film
Vuosi: 1917
Kesto: 06:08 min
Kuvaus: This French film shows a flag ceremony in Paris on July 14, 1917. Among others, President Poincaré can be seen honoring soldiers. "Le 14 Juillet 1917" was distributed in the 28mm format that Pathé Frères introduced in France in 1912 and marketed internationally. Unlike the 35mm nitrocellulose print commonly used for professional exhibition, the 28mm material was flame-retardant, allowing such "safety films" to be shown without fire precautions, such as in home theaters. Shortly after the end of the war, Pathé Frères stopped marketing 28mm film in favor of other formats for safety films; it was probably not even marketed in Germany due to the First World War. Intertitles: 1: Monsieur POINCARE, President de la Republique, passes the delegations of the French Regiments that have distinguished themselves since the start of the campaign. 2: Monsieur POINCARE, hands the new fourragere to the delegations of the Regiment de marche de la Legion Etrangere and the "152" eme de ligne. 3: On the parade route, Parisians cheer the French Army.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / Erster Weltkrieg / 1. Weltkrieg / First World War / World War One / WWI / WW1 / World War I / 28mm Film / 28 mm film / Paris / World War, 1914-1918
Sisältölähde: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Oikeudet: Public Domain
Tuotantoyhtiö: Pathé frères
Language: fr